HyPark aims to support the roll out of electric vehicles, using smart technology to identify the best way to charge the vehicle, while keeping the impact on the electricity grid to a minimum. The gas grid connection means that in the future, the fuel cell will be converted to run on hydrogen, while HyPark will also enable the fuelling of hydrogen vehicles.
Problem Bring Solved
Cars, vans and heavy goods vehicles are the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. This project seeks to enable the transition to large-scale net-zero vehicles, using whole-system thinking to optimise both the gas and electricity network infrastructure.
Impacts and benefits
The HyPark Discovery phases aimed to explore the cost efficiency of a scalable electricity grid, gas grid-connected fuel-cell and battery module to increase the availability of rapid EV charging sites.
The costs associated with installing and scaling up EV charging infrastructure are significant. Sites requiring multiple connections where power demands are greater than 1000 kVA require the installation of expensive secondary transformers and additional HV interconnectors. The cost of increasing capacity of local upstream substations to support these connections is very high. National Grid estimates the cost of a network of 50 rapid motorways charging sites between £500m and £1b.
The costs of installing multiple rapid-charging point connections can be prohibitive for developers. HyPark reduces costs through cheaper on-site power generation and reduced network reinforcement to optimise locally available headroom capacity.
Business case modelling during the HyPark discovery phase set out to compare a fuel cell and battery storage enabled rapid charging hub against a counterfactual network only connected solution. We used an example site near a hospital in Cardiff to develop a cost benefit analysis for both systems. The calculations were based on market research, stakeholder engagement and network infrastructure data. Charge point utilisation profiles were based on locational traffic data and regional projections for EV uptake. Our modelling demonstrated a clear improvement in net present value (NPV) for the HyPark module compared to the conventional charging hub.
The individual technology components for HyPark are available commercially and have the potential to limit impact of EV charging on the electricity system, reducing on-site supply costs and offering the flexibility to scale with demand over time. Although expensive, fuel-cells are already deployed in a range of applications and are providers are rapidly building mass production capabilities to reduce costs. Fuel-cells can use methane, bio-methane, or hydrogen and can be stacked to form expandable generation modules. Co-location of transport infrastructure and a gas-connectivity also offers scope for hydrogen vehicle refuelling, further supporting decarbonisation of the gas-network in the 2030’s.
Future directions for Alpha to provide additional benefit to consumers and better support the business case for Beta phases:
● Quantify commercial opportunity from integrating HyPark module with on-site PV for low-cost summer generation and revenue from fuel-cell heat to buildings in winter
● Establish processes to coordinate with EV service structures, automated charger scheduling and EV load forecasting. ● Evaluate the value of optimising fuel-cell, PV, gas, grid electricity, flexibility and charging tariffs.